Canadian Reformed Mission Association Conference
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Hamilton Cornerstone CanRC, 383 Stonechurch Road, Hamilton
The annual conference of the Canadian Reformed Missions Association (CRMA) is scheduled to be held on September 7 at the Cornerstone CanRC. While the conference aims to assist sending churches in their task, members of the general (church) public are invited to attend as well. Our key-note speaker is David Thomae, Director of Member Care at Mission to the World in Atlanta (global mission arm of the PCA). David Thomae has extensive experience as a missionary to Muslims, first serving as a missionary to the Fulani people in rural Nigeria, one of the largest unreached Muslim people groups in Africa, later serving as a missionary to South Asian Muslims living in the UK. Since 2021, David Thomae is involved in providing member care, developing member care systems and resources, and directing care efforts for MTW’s nearly 600 missionaries.
Program for the day:
8:30 Registration
9:00 Opening
9:15 David Thomae, “Mission to Muslims in rural and urban areas”
10:20 Break
10:45 David Thomae, “Holistic care of missionaries and their families”
12:00 Closing
The CRMA’s business meeting will be held after lunch, starting 1 PM
Date: September 7, 2024
Venue: Cornerstone CanRC, 383 Stonechurch Road East, Hamilton
For more info, see: